Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

Everything is content

23/07/2019   |   Chris Kolonko and Andy Sherman

In the first week of July the whole CITiZAN team arrived in Portsmouth to learn how to make videos for social media. Read all about our attempts to be the next Kathryn Bigelow or Steven Spielberg, as well as our first quarterly meeting of the year.

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Seaham: "Mad, bad and dangerous to know"

01/07/2019   |   Angus Stephenson

Our long-time volunteer Angus looks at the industrial history of Seaham in County Durham and an unlikely celebrity visitor.

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CITiZAN North Set Sail

14/05/2019   |   Chris Kolonko

Team North recently set course for the East coast to meet our volunteers and investigate the Humber and Lincolnshire regions. 2019 is set to be an eventful year as we bring Phase 2 of CITiZAN to Northern shores.

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CITiZAN wins HLF support to launch 6 new Discovery Programmes

09/01/2019   |   CITiZAN

CITiZAN wins support to launch 6 new Discovery Programmes, thanks to National Lottery players!

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Wartime Defences at Auburn Sands

14/12/2018   |   Chris Kolonko

Auburn sands, East Yorkshire retains some of the best-preserved wartime coastal defences in the whole of Yorkshire. With both First and Second World War defensive structures surviving, it is an almost unique site where both era’s defences can still be recorded and interpreted.

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