Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

Flamborough Old Lighthouse: Lighting the way since the 1600s

20/11/2021   |   Chris Kolonko

In this blog we’ll be taking a quick look at one of the Humber Discovery Programme’s most unique maritime buildings.

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Robin Hoods Bay; smuggling, ghosts and Listed fish.

13/11/2021   |   Hannah Thompson

Smuggling in the 18th century was a profitable yet extremely risky pastime associated with many coastal villages around Britain. However, is there still evidence of past smugglers' exploits in the landscape today? One place where the answer to this is most definitely ‘yes’ is new Community Archaeologist Hannah's favourite spot on the coast, Robin Hood’s Bay.

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Changing Minds, Changing Coasts

05/11/2021   |   Oliver Hutchinson, Danielle Newman & Lawrence Northall

Can local voices tell stories related to coastal and climate change to create local impact? With funding from the Natural Environment Research Council, CITiZAN has trialed a novel approach to examining these changes by looking at Mersea Island through the unique lens of local memories by combining oral histories, image archives, maps, and archaeological survey data.

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How can we tackle climate change?

01/11/2021   |   CITiZAN

As the world focuses on Glasgow and the COP26 summit, CITiZAN examines five crucial ways that coastal and intertidal archaeology can play in helping to shape climate change action.

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The vanishing archaeology of early aviation on the Liverpool Bay coast

01/07/2021   |   Andy Sherman

Ever since the Wright brothers made their famous flight in North Carolina, aviators have been taking of and landing from the beaches north of Liverpool. Much of this activity leaves little trace in the archaeological record today, this blog looks at some of those famous flights and looks at why little trace of them can be found on the ground today.

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