Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

"The Hero of the Humber": John Ellerthorpe of East Yorkshire

31/07/2020   |   S. Griffiths

A short account of the life of John Ellerthorpe, coined the "Hero of the Humber" in the 19th century because of his numerous life saving exploits and his philanthropic activity towards safety in and around Hulls docklands. Celebrating Yorkshire Day 2020.

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Ferries Across the Humber

31/07/2020   |   Chris Kolonko

Liverpool is well known for its ferries that cross the Mersey, with the ferries now an important part of local identity. But did you know our other Northern Discovery Programme area was also once well known for its ferries? You won’t find a song about the Humber ferry either.

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Echoes: sound mirrors exhibition at Ramsgate Festival of Sound

29/07/2020   |   Lawrence Northall

The East Kent Coast Discovery Programme has won Arts Council funding to build an exhibition & installation focusing on Kent's acoustic sound mirrors, as part of the Ramsgate Festival of Sound's sonic trail.

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Fish weir(d) and wonderful Sandwich Bay, Kent

17/07/2020   |   Lara Band

Hundreds of timber stakes stud the foreshore at Sandwich Bay, Kent. These fragile features have many stories to tell but are at significant risk from tidal scour. What are they though? Explore our blog to find out, to learn about what we're doing to mitigate their loss and how you can get involved...

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CITiZAN's Young Foreshore Archaeologists

15/07/2020   |   O. Hutchinson & S. Griffiths

The CITiZAN team have inspired and supported young archaeologists in a variety of ways; here are some of the stories from some budding young archaeologists of the future.

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