Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

Getting into intertidal archaeology

02/08/2016   |   John Matthews (CITiZAN Volunteer)

John Matthews, one of Team North's most regular volunteers, discovered CITiZAN and inter-tidal archaeology on a sunny day in Cleethorpes in 2015 where he helped record a prehistoric trackway eroding out of the peat. This day on site rekindled his interest in archaeology and helped inspire a surprising passion for 20th-century coastal defences.

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The excavations of Tennyson Down - following one of CITiZAN's archaeologists

01/08/2016   |   Alex B

The initial survey results of the enclosure on Tennyson Down looked exciting, however we did not find all that we expected to!

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Howick: A remote coastline with a long history

14/07/2016   |   Megan Clement

Find out about the surprising archaeology which can be found on the remote Howick foreshore on the Northumberland Coast; from bathing pools to submerged forest to submarines.

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Archaeology and well-being: a survey of volunteers

30/06/2016   |   Sally Gray

"Archaeology has enhanced my well-being," says Sally, UCL post-grad student and CITiZAN and TDP volunteer. She wants to know if you agree! Would you fill out a short survey to help her studies?

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The Reading Room, Beadnell

20/06/2016   |   Katrina Porteous (Local Historian)

A surgeon's science lectures in 1856, a temporary hospital for an epidemic in 1897 and a lucky escape from a blizzard for the coble Jane Douglas in 1894: what do these three events have in common? They all took place in a simple wooden hut in Beadnell.

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