Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

CITiZAN sets sail for series 2 of Britain at Low Tide

08/02/2018   |   Stephanie Ostrich

After a year long wait, Britain at Low Tide is back for series 2! Be sure to tune to Channel 4 from Saturday 17 Feb at 8pm for the 6-part weekly series featuring amazing archaeological sites being monitored by CITiZAN and SCAPE's Scotland's Coastal Heritage at Risk Be sure to join us on social media on the night where we'll be sharing extra behind the scenes facts, photos and more!

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Poole Harbour D-Day Tank Landing Craft: The last of a dying breed?

06/12/2017   |   Nick Mason

Most people have heard the story of D-Day, and seen the remains of the huge event around our coastlines. One of the key elements was the transportation of tanks onto enemy beaches, but what became of the hundreds of landing craft that did the job? Read on for an exciting wartime discovery in Poole harbour...

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Turn the Tide! The third annual CITiZAN conference

31/10/2017   |   Lara Band

This year it was the South East team's turn to organise our annual conference so we joined up with the Thames Discovery Programme for a two day extravaganza of intertidal archaeology - read on for a multi vocal, social media generated summary of Foreshore Forum 2017!

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Pett Level submerged forest recording weekend

18/10/2017   |   Issie Barrington

In this blog CITiZAN volunteer Issie Barrington writes about her weekend recording with us at Pett Level in September.

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Scarborough: The first seaside resort?

24/08/2017   |   Andy Sherman

The Roman's built a signal station on the promontory dividing Scarborough into the South and North Bay and Norman's built a large castle on the same promontory. The town is supposedly named after a Viking called Thorgils Skarthis in the 10th century. But is it England's first seaside resort?

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