Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

The south west: the coast with the most

14/10/2016   |   Alex B and Lauren T

The south west team hosted the annual CITiZAN Turn the Tide conference on the SS Great Britain in Bristol on Saturday 8th October. Find out about the day and see some wonderful pictures.

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Turn the Tide 2016: A virtual visit to the second CITiZAN conference

10/10/2016   |   Lara Band

We've Storified our conference so you can visit - or revist - virtually!

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Outreach at Blyth

16/09/2016   |   Angus Stephenson (Citizan volunteer)

A blog written by one of our volunteers, Angus, after he visited the outreach event at Blyth in Northumberland.

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Orford Ness: an amazing landscape with a rich and varied history - and an extremely dynamic coastline

09/09/2016   |   Lara Band

This year CITiZAN's South East team teamed up with the National Trust and Heritage Futures for two training events on the dramatically beautiful Orford Ness. We recorded features teetering on a shingle shelf, the remains of a WWI POW Camp and even squeezed in a tour of the Lighthouse. Read on for a brief history of Orford Ness and a summary of what we've been up to there.

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Three Submerged Forests

25/08/2016   |   Megan Clement and Lara Band

Submerged prehistoric landscapes can be found all along the English coastline, most of these are vulnerable to rising sea levels, severe storms and the erosion of the tide. They are one of the key types of sites CITiZAN are focusing on. This blog focuses on three such sites: Cleethorpes, Hightown and Pett Level.

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