Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

HMS Beagle 200th Anniversary

05/05/2020   |   Gustav Milne

Mapping the world; Educating Darwin; Guarding Essex

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Armchair Archaeology with CITiZAN

01/05/2020   |   Lara Band, Chris Kolonko and Sam Griffiths

Ever been interested in how archaeologists conduct and use desk-based research? Here is a little insight and a chance to join us in an new initiative over the next weeks during lock-down.

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You give me fever !

29/04/2020   |   Grant Bettinson

Sadly, this is not a tribute to Peggy Lee’s Fever, although it does make good background music and a great hook in the current situation. This blog is about fever hulks, particularly the fever hulks present on the Dart Estuary within the South Devon Rivers Discovery Programme. It also gives you a quick run-through of Quarantine through history.

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The Vicar's delight

27/04/2020   |   Andy Sherman

Rectory Woods are a set of pleasure gardens built in the village of Heysham, on the southern shores of Morecambe Bay. Along with the Morecambe Bay Partnership and the Lancaster and District Heritage Group we recorded the gardens in the first phase of the Project. Learn a little more about the gardens with this blog.

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Intrigue at Dungeon Lane

23/04/2020   |   Andy Sherman

In February a mudlarker spotted a carved stone on the foreshore of the River Mersey. But what is and were does it come from? This blog tries to answer those questions with a little detective work.

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