Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

Marine Antiquities Scheme explained

28/02/2017   |   Marine Antiquities Scheme (MAS)

Every year unidentified and interesting objects are found by divers, fishermen, boat operators and visitors to our coasts. The Marine Antiquities Scheme (MAS) acts as a simple to use method of recording these finds made by members of the public from the Mean Low Water Level and wider marine environment.

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The Mersea Timbers: Part One - The Discovery

14/02/2017   |   Oliver Hutchinson

Over the last 18 months the CITiZAN team have been exploring, recording and mapping the mysterious archaeological features that are emerging from the mud. Lead by an amazing group of volunteers, the work on Mersea has focussed on the southern shore, in particular the Coopers Beach area. Here the mudflats extend some 900m to the sea, and, as we now know, back into a long lost landscape.

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A Stroll Around Beadnell

01/02/2017   |   Angus Stephenson

This Summer CITiZAN Recorded an eroding lime-kiln in the cliff face of Dell Point in Beadnell, Northumberland. One of our volunteers has written a blog looking at some of the interesting archaeology around Beadnell looking at the lime and fishing industry there.

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Orford Ness revisited

27/01/2017   |   Lara Band

A look at CITiZAN archaeologists' and volunteers' monitoring trip to Orford Ness, following the high winds and surge of 14 January.

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Learning all about prehistoric boats

29/12/2016   |   Eleri Newman (University of York placement student)

A blog written by York University placement student Eleri Newman, looking at the development of prehistoric boats.

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