Latest Blog entries

We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.

A wreck on Blyth beach

14/04/2018   |   Andy Sherman

Recent winter storms have uncovered lots of archaeological features around the coast of England and Citizan's staff and wonderful volunteers have been busy visiting and recording them. This is the story of one wreck on the coast of Northumberland.

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Return to Orford Ness - a volunteer's view

29/03/2018   |   Valerie

Read CITiZAN volunteer Valerie's summary of working with us at the National Trust property Orford Ness - and see where this can lead!

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Orford Ness: Recording The Street

21/03/2018   |   Lara Band

Read on for news of our latest recording weekend on Orford Ness, a National Trust property on the coast of Suffolk, with a fascinating history and an incredible landscape

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A Roman Trackway in Calshot

01/03/2018   |   Lauren Tidbury

Three years ago a member of the public alerted the Maritime Archaeology Trust to a wooden feature which had become exposed at low tide on the beach near Calshot in Hampshire. It has since been recorded and monitored by CITiZAN volunteers and staff and this week we received results of radiocarbon dating which showed the site to be almost 2000 years old!

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Marsden Bay: a changing coastal landscape

28/02/2018   |   Angus Stephenson (Citizan volunteer)

Marsden Bay is in Tyne and Wear and lies between South Shields and Sunderland. It is now mostly owned by the National Trust. The bay is lined with jagged Magnesian limestone cliffs, below which the sea hollows out caves, so that eventually the cliffs fall into it.

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