Events in 2017

CITiZAN archaeologists are holding events all around England. Come see when we'll next be in your area and join us!

Guided Walk: Medina Estuary

21/02/2017  |  10:30 a.m.

Cowes, Isle of Wight

CITiZAN south west are going to be undertaking an App Survey of the Medina Estuary. Come and join us and get some experience in using the CITiZAN App

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Training: Heysham Coast

20/02/2017  |  10 a.m.


The aim of this event is to conduct a walkover condition survey, in partnership with the National Trust and Morecambe Bay Partnership, to monitor and identify new archaeological features on National Trust land at Heysham. Come help for a day or for a few.

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Illustrated talk: CITiZAN in Suffolk, for Waveney Valley Community Archaeology

18/02/2017  |  2 p.m.

Needham Village Hall, High Road, Needham, IP20 9LB

A talk for CITiZAN in Suffolk, for Waveney Valley Community Archaeology on CITiZAN's work nationally and in Suffolk. WVCA Members £2.00, non members £3.00.

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Illustrated talk: CITiZAN in Sussex, HAARG evening meeting

08/02/2017  |  7:30 p.m.

Hastings History House, 21 Courthouse Street, Hastings Old Town

An hour long talk on CITiZAN, and our work in Sussex, as part of HAARG (Hastings Area Archaeological Research Group) evening meetings programme. Free, though donations to HAARG for refreshments.

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Illustrated Talk: CBA Yorkshire AGM and Annual Symposium

04/02/2017  |  10 a.m.

Fountains Lecture Theatre, York St John University

The meeting will be held at Fountains Lecture Theatre, York St John University, from 10am to 5pm.

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