Events in 2021

CITiZAN archaeologists are holding events all around England. Come see when we'll next be in your area and join us!

Dynamic Dunescapes: Lincolnshire Heritage Webinar Series

15/02/2021  |  6 p.m.


Explore Lincolnshire's landscapes before the dunes developed; with Sam Griffiths, CITiZAN Discovery Programme Officer for the Humber

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Winter Webinar: Spurn Through the Ages with YWT's Andy Mason

27/01/2021  |  4 p.m.

Facebook Live

Join the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's Heritage Officer for the Spurn National Nature Reserve, Andy Mason, for a look at Spurn's fascinating history...

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Articulating Loss: How breaking down what heritage loss looks like can help inform positive action

06/01/2021  |  4 p.m.

Online webinar

Articulating Loss: How breaking down what heritage loss looks like can help inform positive action with Tanya Venture, University of Exeter

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