CITiZAN's Young Foreshore Archaeologists
15/07/2020 | O. Hutchinson & S. Griffiths
The CITiZAN project is all about change. Changes to our foreshores, changes in the archaeology we find there and changes to our environment and coastline throughout time. These changes are being recorded every day by our dedicated volunteer team but even they can’t record them all. Teams of committed volunteers and communities are the bedrock for the success of our project and, as is often the case in archaeology, older generations tend to represent the largest portion of the volunteer community. For that reason it’s always heartening and encouraging to learn of young people getting interested in archaeology.

The CITiZAN team have inspired and supported young archaeologists in a variety of ways, e.g. directly through their work with the Council for British Archaeologies, Young Archaeologists Club (YAC) or indirectly through their appearances on the telly. Below are some of the stories from some budding young archaeologists of the future.
We begin with a short piece from Arthur, aged 9, from Worcestershire who saw the team on Britain at Low Tide. After being inspired by the show Arthur wrote a short presentation for his classmates which was so well received he went on to present to his whole school. Since getting the bug Arthur has gone on to join his Young Archaeologists Club and is looking forward to a visit out with the CITiZAN team as soon as he can;
Arthur Taylor, Aged 9
“I’m Arthur Taylor, I’m 9 years old and I love archaeology!
When I was younger I liked to go to ruins and look around for artefacts, thinking of what it was like in the past. My favourite museum has always been the British Museum and my favourite subjects at school are Maths, History and Science. I also love the outdoors and exploring.
I was inspired by Oliver Hutchinson and here is the story:
Oliver is an archaeologist who is on Channel 4’s Britain at Low Tide series, all about coastal archaeology and I got to meet him during our trip to London at half term! "
“When I met Oliver I realised that Archaeology combined all my favourite things!
What is archaeology?
- It is a way of looking into the past not the future I
- A way of admiring and studying objects or buildings of the past
- It’s helping our knowledge of the ages and previous civilisations
- It’s fun and exciting! A fascinating mix of history and science! My favourite subjects
Dig, take pictures and video:
These are some of the ways of knowing what you are looking at. When you know what you are looking at, you can create 3D models on your computer and write everything you know and be happy!"
Skype a Scientist and Chase Karow, Aged 6
We even have a following over in the United States in Chase Karow, 6, who’s story is below:
“I'm Chase Karow, and I'm 6 years old.
I have liked history for most of my life. I have been interested in all sorts of history. Just recently, I started liking archaeology. I like archaeology because it's based on cultures. And I'm interested in learning about China and Ancient Greece and stuff like that.
I got inspired by archaeology when I went to the Washington, DC, National Museum of Natural History. I saw a lot of artefacts and it inspired me to want to become an archaeologist. I like learning about the past and peoples' cultures, and historic events like major catastrophes.
In school, we just learned about American Indians and I got to touch some artefacts and guess how they were used. It made me feel happy.”

“Dr. Sam really helped me learn about being an archaeologist. It was so cool to be able to ask him my questions and learn about what he liked at school and what he likes about his job. We are on a break from school right now because of the coronavirus, and it was neat to be able to learn so much from a scientist like him.”
HERM Summer of Science Events
Last summer (August 2019) the Humberside team also ran a series of drop-in style events at the Hull and East Riding Museum during the school summer holidays. Over 190 people visited us and had a go at recording our “Pop-up-Foreshore”…

Most of our visitors were under 12’s and had their first introduction to hands-on archaeology during the sessions; being able to experience the skills behind field archaeology, handle a selection of typical foreshore artefacts and ask our experts and volunteers questions about all things coastal archaeology.
Over the next few weeks we will be starting to plan for both digital and face-to-face events on the foreshore, in all our discovery programme areas! And in the meantime, there are current online events running for summer youth groups; like the Humberside teams Video Call an Archaeologist. You can find more information here…

And don’t forget to check out more of this years
Council for British Archaeology’s Festival of Archaeology!!