Liverpool Bay: Piers and Pleasure Gardens- Follow the development of the North's premier holdiay resort from a hangout for the rich to the working classes playground.
Southsea's Seafront Stories - The seafront from Old Portsmouth to Eastney is full of historic sites and memorials, which tell the story of this unique island city ...
Lost Lives - This virtual walk takes you from Start point to Slapton sands looking at the lives, settlements and industries lost on this unique stretch of Devons coastline
Bolt Head - THis virtual walk was made by the Salcombe Maritime Museum, takes you on a fantastic walk around the infamous Bolt head.
Pegwell Bay: Ports and Protection- A virtual archaeology & heritage walk focusing on Pegwell Bay's Second World War defences & two unique ports.
Ramsgate: Coastal Emergency- This virtual guided-walk looks at Ramsgate's Royal Harbour heritage and shows how it is deeply rooted in a history of coastal emergency.
River Torridge: Sailing Through Storms - A journey around Appledore and Bideford, following the life of the HF Bolt, from the boats construction to her destruction at the end of the Second World War.