Remains of Capstan

Remains of Capstan (84317)



Remains of the capstan mechanism using for drawing taut the chain used for closing the entrance to Portsmouth Harbour. The chain was first recorded in the 16th century and was last renewed in the 18th century at the time of the American War of Independence. The remains of the Capstan were still in Capstan Square in 1843 and to the east of the Round Tower, several links were excavated in the late 19th century and again in 1930. Two links can be viewed in Southsea Castle.

Post-Medieval (1540 - 1901)
Period comments

First recorded in 16th century

Specific Date Range
The earliest date of the feature, as a year, if known
The latest date of the feature, as a year, if known
Feature Types
Monument Type - Broad
Monument Type - Narrow
Monument Description
Evidence Type - Broad
Evidence Type - Narrow
Evidence Description
Object Type - Broad
Object Type - Narrow
Object Description
Height OD (m)
How accessible is the feature?
Easily accessible - no restrictions
Accessibility comments

Other records:

NRHE Number
HER Event Number
External Link

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Feature Update Surveys

1 survey accepted and 0 pending.

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Survey Information
Date of survey
22nd February, 2021
Feature located?
State of the tide
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Coastal processes
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How visible are the remains? ABOVE GROUND
How visible are the remains in the face of the cliff, ridge or dune? IN SECTION
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tkearns's image
by tkearns
tkearns's image
by tkearns