Fort Henry, Studland

Fort Henry, Studland (78198)



FORT HENRY is situated on the cliff edge, immediately in front of the gun emplacement. It a large rectangular structure of reinforced concrete and is orientated north-west to south-east. It measures 138m long and 3m wide and its walls are 1m thick. To the seaward (north-east) elevation is a recessed observation slit that runs the entire length of the structure. Entrances at either end provide access to the interior which takes the form of a long, narrow corridor with a staggered blast wall at approximately the halfway point.

Post-Medieval (1540 - 1901), Modern (1901 and later)
Period comments

By August 1940, a gun emplacement for a six-pounder gun had been constructed at Redend Point in Studland, part of the anti-invasion defences laid out around Studland Bay. Its line of fire was partly blocked by the construction in 1943 of FORT HENRY, a purpose-built observation post, immediately to the east. It was built by the Canadian Royal Engineers and was named after their home base in Ontario. In April 1944 King George VI, Winston Churchill, General Sir Bernard Montgomery, General Dwight D. Eisenhower and Acting Admiral Louis Mountbatten observed a demonstration of carpet bombing followed by assault landings, part of Exercise Smash 1, from Fort Henry.

Specific Date Range
The earliest date of the feature, as a year, if known
The latest date of the feature, as a year, if known
Feature Types
Monument Type - Broad
Monument Type - Narrow
Monument Description
Evidence Type - Broad
Evidence Type - Narrow
Evidence Description
Object Type - Broad
Object Type - Narrow
Object Description
Height OD (m)
How accessible is the feature?
Easily accessible - no restrictions, Accessible on foot (footpath)
Accessibility comments

The monument is open to the public and has display and information boards

Other records:

NRHE Number
HER Event Number
External Link

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Feature Update Surveys

1 survey accepted and 0 pending.

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Survey Information
Date of survey
26th February, 2018
Feature located?
State of the tide
Proximity to coast edge
Less than 10m inland
Coastal processes
Active sea erosion
Is there a coastal defence?
Other threats?
Visitor erosion, Structural damage/decay
If other, please specify
How visible are the remains? ABOVE GROUND
Highly visible (substantial remains)
How visible are the remains in the face of the cliff, ridge or dune? IN SECTION
Do you know if the feature is?
Is well known, Is well visited, Has local associations/history
Recommendations and Comments
What actions (if any) would you recommend for this feature?

Occasional monitoring as structure is at risk of coastal erosion, over the next 100 years Shoreline Management plan SMP15 (Hurst Spit to Durlston Head) Local Authority Purbeck District Council
Type of defence Natural
20 year SMP management policy Managed realignment
Erosion predicted over 20 years
Not applicable
50 year SMP management policy No active intervention
Erosion predicted over 50 years
25.4 - 38.8 metres
100 year SMP management policy No active intervention
Erosion predicted over 100 years
51.9 - 87.3 metres
*Based on a baseline of 2010

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