WRECK (3568)
- Easting
- 596160
- Northing
- 165560
- Period
- Uncertain
- Period comments
Not recorded
- The earliest date of the feature, as a year, if known
- The latest date of the feature, as a year, if known
- Monument Type - Broad
- Wreck
- Monument Type - Narrow
- Monument Description
- The remains of a vessel, which has either sunk or suffered structural damage to the extent where it can no longer function.
- Evidence Type - Broad
- Evidence Type - Narrow
- Evidence Description
- Object Type - Broad
- Object Type - Narrow
- Object Description
- Height OD (m)
- How accessible is the feature?
- Accessibility comments
Other records:
- NRHE Number
- 1025214
- NT HBSMR Number
- Unknown
- HER Event Number
- Unknown
- External Link
- None
Over to you...
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Feature Update Surveys
No accepted or pending feature survey/updates yet.