Coastal Map
Explore England's intertidal heritage from prehistory to the present using our map. Use the filters to refine your search by monument type, period, height above or below sea level or a combination of two or more. Press search and zoom into the map to explore your results.
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If you know of a feature that is not recorded or have found a potential new feature whilst exploring the map, you can add a new feature here:
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If you know the CITiZAN ID of an existing feature, find it here:
Please note, the CITiZAN baseline dataset of sites and features shown on this map comes from a variety of sources: Historic England (RCZAs), selected HERs, the National Trust and local archaeology groups such as the Thames Discovery Programme. It presents a snapshot in time of a selective set of site data and shouldn’t be used in lieu of HER records searches for planning purposes.