West Mersea Low Tide Coastal Heritage Walk
20/09/2020 | 9 a.m.
West Mersea, Mersea Island

POSTPONED FOLLOWING GOVERNMENT GUIDANCE: Due to ever changing COVID guidelines we have had to postpone this event until further notice. Stay safe and look out for each other.
Oyster farming, fishing and salt production are all famed industries in the Blackwater Estuary and the roots of such activities may be traced back many centuries, even into prehistory. This guided walk, which starts at the Mersea Museum, will focus on coastal life and the local economies which have come to shape the Island as we know it today. It will involve walking on Mersea's rapidly eroding foreshore, where a number of archaeological remains are visible, ranging from Roman features to WW2 defences. In doing so it will illustrate how coastal erosion has shaped the Island and how coastal activities in this ever-changing foreshore environment have contributed to Mersea's unique local history.
In line with COVID-19 guidelines we are able to offer six tickets for families/bubble groups of up to five individuals. Please book ONE ticket per group attending.
Tickets Available on Eventbrite
The guided walk will be conducted at low tide and the ground underfoot is muddy and can be quite slippy. Please be prepared to walk through thick mud at various points. The walk is entirely outdoors, so please consider the weather – insect repellent, sunscreen or an umbrella may be necessary.
COVID-19 Considerations
Please bring your own water and be aware of government COVID-19 guidelines in advance of this event.
This event will be subject to local & national government guidelines at the time of the festival. Your Guide will have hand sanitiser available and will advise on social distancing throughout the walk. Please do not attend the event if you feel unwell or have been in any contact with anyone who has displayed Coronavirus symptoms. Track and Trace information will be gathered at the point of booking, but please advise us of any alterations to such information.
Please arrive Mersea Museum (12 High Street, West Mersea, Mersea Island, Essex, CO5 8QD) ten minutes before the start of the event.