Bricks, Tiles and the South Humber
17/10/2020 | 10 a.m.
Waters' Edge, Barton-Upon-Humber, DN18 5JR
Bricks, Tiles and the South Humber
This two-day volunteer event will introduce you to coastal and intertidal archaeology of the UK and give the opportunity of recording features associated with the well-known Barton tile and brick industry.
There is well documented historic evidence for the coastal industries of the south bank of the Humber; we will explore this as well as look at recording and monitoring features at Foster's Wharf, between Barton and Barrow. Here volunteers will get the chance to learn archaeological practices to help us document the hulk and jetty features associated with brick production and trade at the site. We’ll also encourage you to develop the skills to monitor and record features at-risk to climate change effects around the Humber, in the future, using our easy app and/or online recording system.
On day 1 we’ll look at the archaeological record of the UK, with specific reference to coastal and intertidal history and prehistory. We’ll have a session out on the Barton foreshore to get a look at the local features many people will know and love; as well as discuss how we record and monitor sites at-risk, of all the processes associated with climate change, in the Humber. All this based in and around the beautiful Waters’ Edge Country Park.
On day 2 we’ll venture out to Foster’s Wharf (c. 1 mile from the centre) and spend some time at low tide recording the features there and getting used to the CITiZAN app, online record system and paper recording methods you can use in future. You’ll come away with the skills to continue your own recording, with our support, and to join us on future fieldwork in and around the Inner Humber area or round the UK.
Both days will be 10 am till 16 pm, with time for lunch set aside (not provided) and plenty of opportunity to chat and discuss the archaeology of the south Humber area. The Waters’ Edge Centre has ample, free parking for volunteers during both days in the main visitor’s car park and the Honey Pot Café will be open for lunch over both days (there are also plenty of shops and café’s nearby).
Booking is through Eventbrite and if you sign up but find you can’t attend please do email asap so we can reallocate your place. Due to current restrictions places are limited so book early!
If you require additional details or have specific requirements, please contact before booking.