Start point to Slapton sands - Walking Workshop
08/03/2020 | 9 a.m.
Start Point

A coastal crusade to record the weird and wonderful
This walking workshop takes you along the stunning Devon Coastline where we will be stopping at various archaeological sites to confirm update and record our Coastal heritage at risk. The sites on this stretch vary from lost villages & pilchard sheds to cherry copse, pillboxes and a little bit of prehistory.
This is a large hike from start point to Torcross and back again. The walk will be alongside archaeologists from the Citizan project who will answer all questions they are able to answer.
These hikes are to look for the weird and wonderful that has been identified in the Historic Environment Records and confirm its presence and record or update the record if it is still there.
please ensure you bring lunch and appropriate clothing and footwear.
This event has limited spaces, Tickets will be Available from the 1st February Via the Eventbrite page

The idea behind a walking workshop is to introduce the public to the CITiZAN project and the app,which allow us to record, monitor and identify our coastal heritage prior to its inevitable erosion due to climate change & coastal erosion.
The walks will take place on known coastal paths and track-ways, with low tide excursion where appropriate.
The day starts with a quick on the move introduction to the app and how it works the group will then walk along the paths stopping along the way at archaeological sites to record and monitor using the app alongside our maritime archaeologists who will happily answer any and all questions if they are able.