The Shipwrecks and stakes lines of Sandwich Bay: CITiZAN training weekend
28/09/2019 | 9:30 a.m.
Prince's Golf Club, Princes Drive, Sandwich Bay, Kent, CT13 9QB
This two day course will focus on creating records using our smart phone app and the paper equivalent, to add to CITiZAN's interactive map of coastal and intertidal archaeology. Day 1 will be indoors at at the Lodge, Prince's Golf Club, Sandwich Bay. On Day 2 we’ll be recording remains in the intertidal zone at Sandwich Bay, including wrecks and lines of timber posts.
Through our two-day training sessions we hope to establish a group of committed volunteers to whom we can offer follow up training sessions, workshops and survey days on different types of sites across East Kent.
This event is free* and open to anyone over 16 years of age. Places are limited to a maximum of 12: see the inerary and book your place on Eventbrite.
*On Sunday there will be an admission charge of £7 for cars entering the Sandwich Bay Estate to use the beach. We strongly encourage car sharing or even coming by bicycle! We’ll do our best on Saturday to help you find a car share but will be able to reimburse costs.
This training event will run parallel to fieldwork being carried out by the NAS (Nautical Archaeology Society) and their volunteers so there'll be a chance for both CITiZAN and NAS volunteers to see what the other team is up to. On Sunday afternoon there’ll be an opportunity to attend talks by the NAS and CITiZAN at Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Trust.
Nb: If you're attending our training event at Stonelees Nature Reserve, Pegwell Bay on the 14-15 September then you're welcome to join us on Sunday 29 to develop and build on your existing feature recording and monitoring skills: please let us know by email if you intend to come. You're also welcome to join the NAS for fieldwork on Saturday 28 - see more details and sign up (by September 16) here.
If you've any questions please email Lara, the East Kent Coast Discovery Programme Officer at