Forton Lake Low tide trail - A slice through Portsmouth's History
20/10/2019 | 8:30 a.m.
Forton lake
Forton lake is a place where boats go to die, This guided low tide trail with Citizan Maritime archaeolgists takes you round the skeletal remains of a variety of 20th Century ships remains. The trail will highlight their unique significance in the development of Portsmouth as both a naval and civilian port .
Wellies are ESSENTIAL !!! for this trail, bring clothes you do not mind getting muddy.
This ships graveyard was the Focus of archaeological investigation in a partnership between the Nautical Archaeology Society and the Maritime archaeological trust from 2006- 2008 building upon a brief assessment in 1997. Now this mantle has been picked up by CItizan whose fieldwork program for 2020 will include this incredible assemblage.
Book on to the event Via Eventbrite.
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