I thought it was just a cold? Avoiding death on Anglo Saxon Mersea

05/06/2019  |  7 p.m.

MICA Centre - Mersea Island


We're delighted to introduce Dr Samir Nuseibeh of UCL who'll be joining us to deliver one of our talks for 2019 about the archaeology and past peoples of Mersea Island.

We constantly read or hear about success stories of modern day medicine, but it’s easy to forget that the standard of healthcare that we enjoy today has been centuries in the making. Imagine keeping a wound clean without any disinfectant, imagine breaking a bone without any painkillers and imagine surgery without any anaesthetic! Well, these are all essentially modern day concepts so imagine what it was like falling ill or suffering from a serious injury in the Anglo-Saxon period. But what were the main issues facing the average person in the Anglo Saxon period and in particularly the island of Mersea? How did the period, the geography and the social status of a person affect their prospects of a healthy life? This talk aims to illustrate the medical challenges faced by people of the era and outline some of the peculiar ways with which they tried to overcome them…


Dr. Nuseibeh is a pharmacologist by training and studied his undergraduate BSc in pharmacology at the University of Leeds. He undertook and completed his PhD in respiratory pharmacology in 2007 at Imperial College and then went on to continue working in research as a post-doc at UCL (in the field of cancer) and at Imperial College (in the field of nanomedicine).


Following on from five years of working in research, Samir moved on to concentrate on teaching and spent seven years developing and delivering teaching material for both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes at other universities, prior to joining UCL. Samir teaches a range of topics, but his focus is on the processes which drive the discovery, testing and manufacture of advanced therapies and medicinal products (ATMP).


Dr. Nuseibeh also has a PGCert in Education and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

For your free ticket simply follow this link to our eventbrite page . You can reserve up to four tickets per person. We look forward to seeing you there!