Exhibition: Cliff Crawford - Waveworn
02/03/2018 | 6 p.m.
Martyrs Gallery, Lewes, East Sussex
For fifteen years Cliff Crawford has observed, recorded, and compared the post tops belonging to the 121 numbered groynes of Bexhill beach, East Sussex – producing over 18000 photographs. Each post top is uniquely identifiable – like portraits of a person repeated throughout their lives – fascinating, beautiful, and providing clues as to the condition of the system.
This photographic collection records change over an extended period of time and celebrates the tenacity of a structure that stands in the intertidal zone, surviving the natural rhythms of coastal dynamics. Waveworn by constant change.
CITiZAN have been invited to come and give a short talk at the opening of Waveworn at the Martyr's Gallery, Lewes. Cliff will also be giving a talk on the night. We're delighted to have this opportunity share a platform with him.
Waveworn will be at Martyrs’ Gallery, Lewes, East Sussex from Saturday 3rd March to Friday 23rd March 2018, Martyrs Gallery is open 12 noon–5pm (Thu–Sun).