Training: Victoria Docks Vessels
21/05/2016 | 10 a.m.
Kingston upon Hull
This weekend is aimed at individuals who wish to learn new or imporve skills in archaeological surveying. The weekend will emcompass the theory and method behind recording vessels and associated features in the intertidal zone.
The training is two days and is free, but places must be booked.
On Saturday, registration will be from 9.30am at Victoria Docks Village Hall (South Bridge Road, Hull) in the Commodore's Room. After regsitration there will be a classrroom session that will cover what CITiZAN is the basics of recording vessels and the history of site. The afternoon will be spent on site recording the features, finishing at 4pm.
Sunday will be at the Premier Inn, entrance on Tower Street (HU9 1TQ) and will include a classroom session from 10.00am-12.00pm and then back onto site from 1.00-3.00pm when we will retrun to the Premier Inn after this for any additonal paperwork and closing.
It is advised that participants wear apprproiate footwear and clothing, suitable for all weathers (rain and sun). They are also advised to bring a pack lunch, though there are a few shop they are a fair distance. There is car parking facilities avaliable at the village hall. Toilets and hand washing facilities are also avaliable at the village hall. Please be aware that the site is approximately a 9min walk from the classroom venue by road and footpath.
To book please go to Evenbrite.