Intrigue and Opportunity
24/03/2020 | Grant Bettinson

Nothing focuses the mind on those back-burner tasks like a bit of isolation and quarantine
This blog is about showcasing the footage of the CITiZAN annual conference which was held on the 22nd February at University College London. From the 22nd February the editing of the video taken at the conference slowly but surely slid down the slippery slope on to the back-burner as the current situation we all find ourselves in developed.
Like a chameleon outside its comfort zone the CITiZAN team has had to adapt its activities in the last 2 weeks and from this point forward we will be increasing our digital engagement tools.
Now its time for a disclaimer;
At the time of writing the presentations we did not know that the ongoing situation would see us all in our homes staring wistfully outside. There is a lot of talk in the presentations of activities and events planned for summer 2020 and while we are hopeful that we will be able to get out and back to normal by the summer please make sure to check the website and be aware that events may be cancelled, postponed or in many cases delivered in a completely new way for the duration of the lockdown.
Make sure to sign up to the discovery programme Newsletters to get regular updates.
This is a two-part blog.
This first blog will concentrate on the talks given by our Discovery Programme Officers and Senior Community Archaeologists.
The second blog will concentrate on the talks by other speakers at the conference once I get all their presentations together.
Our YouTube channel is one of our less used social media platforms so if you enjoy the content make sure to like and subscribe so we know to make more.
Now we have a captive audience
Let us begin….
First up to talk was Oliver, known to many in the CITiZAN team as TV’s Oliver Hutchinson talking about the Mersea Island Discovery Programme.
Next up Lara, Discovery Programme Officer for the East Kent Coast talking about her love of a unique site within her Discovery Programme Area.
Time for a triple act From Team SW.
First Grant, the new Discovery Programme Officer for the South Devon Rivers followed by Therese discussing kilns and our fantastic volunteer Stephen Peart.
Grab a cup of tea and a sandwich as we go into the post-lunch talks.
Yet another double act from the SW team for the Solent Harbours Discovery programme. We start with Caroline talking about her love of concrete, a love rumoured to rival Chris Kolonko’s, followed by Therese the current Solent Harbours Discovery Programme Officer talking through her plans for summer 2020.
Time to head north of the M4,
First up is Andy, Discovery Programme Officer for the Liverpool Bay Discovery Programme talking about the beautiful sandy landscape of Formby a few miles north of Liverpool.
Next we have Sam, Discovery Programme Officer for the Humberside Discovery Programme talking about the upcoming survey work on the inner Humber foreshore.
Last, we have Chris talking about the intangible cultural heritage of two dishes tied directly into the two northern discovery programmes.