Blog entries in 2015
We encourage everyone involved in the CITiZAN project to contribute to our blog. Whether you're on site monitoring, in a library researching, or conducting oral history projects, we want to hear from you! To submit an article please email your regional CITiZAN Community Archaeologist with your text and up to five images.
- What does CITiZAN training involve? This blog is written by a volunteer and they explain what they learnt from the training session Archaeology 101.
- The first annual CITiZAN Conference is being hosted by Team North in the iconic seaside town of Bridlington on the Yorkshire coast on 10 October. Find out who is due to talk and the up-coming events related to it.
- The entries are in and our #CoastalContest has a winner! Last month we asked you to tell us about your favourite coastal sites, and provide a beautiful image to show us why you love it so much. After careful deliberation, we have chosen our winner…
- Walks, talks and Young Archaeologists - Team Norths Outreach events over the summer ...
- The South East team’s first training sessions: Crowlink, Birling Gap, May and June 2015
Archaeology 101
28/10/2015 | Ken Parker (Citizan volunteer)

Turn the Tide: First Annual CITiZAN Conference is coming to the Yorkshire Coastline
29/09/2015 | Megan Clement

Coastal Contest Winner Announced!
14/09/2015 | Oliver Hutchinson

Outreach with Team North
18/08/2015 | Megan Clement

The South East team’s first training sessions: Crowlink, Birling Gap, May and June 2015
14/08/2015 | Lara Band